Preston Neuropsychology
Andrew S. Preston, Ph.D.
Katy Sampson, Ph.D. | Tahle Sendowski, Ph.D.
Understanding and Finding Treatment Plans for
Attention Difficulties
ADHD, Inattention, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Executive Functioning, Behavioral and Emotional Regulation
Developmental Concerns
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Genetic conditions, Language Processing, and Motor Concerns
Learning Differences
Learning Disabilities in reading, writing, and math, such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia, and Twice-Exceptional
Neurological Conditions
Seizures, Cerebral Palsy, Early Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Late-Effects from Cancer Treatment, and Congenital Conditions
Mild-to-Moderate Concussions, Post-Concussion Syndrome, and Return to Play or Return to School assistance
College/Young Adults
Testing and Classroom Accommodations, Later-detected ADHD or Learning Disabilities, Failure to Launch, and Independent Living
Andrew S. Preston, Ph.D. at Preston Neuropsychology, along with Katy Sampson Ph.D. and Tahle Sendowski, Ph.D., serve kids, teens, and young adults needing neuropsychological evaluations, cognitive assessments, developmental evaluations and psychoeducational testing in the greater Triangle area of North Carolina. We are conveniently located in the Southpoint area of Durham.