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What to Expect


How does the Evaluation Process Work?

Prior to the Evaluation

The first step to getting started is to contact Preston Neuropsychology by phone or email, briefly describing your concerns and providing contact information. You will receive instructions on how to complete the necessary forms through the patient portal.


After the forms are completed, an initial interview (intake) will be scheduled. This appointment between Dr. Preston and parents is approximately one hour long, taking place by phone or Zoom meeting. During the intake, Dr. Preston will gather background information and gain a more thorough understanding of your concerns. At the end of the intake, Dr. Preston will discuss recommended next steps and schedule the appropriate evaluation for your child.


Leading up to the evaluation, you will be asked to provide other medical and educational documents. Parents and teachers will often be asked to complete additional checklists about their child.


During the Evaluation

The evaluation process consists of two or three sessions, lasting approximately 1.5-2 hours each. During the evaluation, your child will be asked to answer questions verbally, draw, complete hands-on activities, learn and remember information, and solve other “game like” problems. The one-on-one setting allows for many breaks if children become fatigued or want to visit parents. Although most tests become challenging, children are simply encouraged to try their best and are provided with plenty of positive feedback about their performance.

After the Evaluation

Approximately one week after the evaluation, Dr. Preston will review results verbally with parents during the feedback session, which is typically conducted via phone or zoom meeting. Dr. Preston will also often provide adolescents with their own age-appropriate feedback. If needed, parents will receive a brief summary of the child’s diagnosis on the day of the feedback session, which can be provided to their pediatrician or school.


Parents will be provided with a physical copy of the full report within two weeks of the feedback session. Upon request, copies can also be sent to other medical providers, schools, or other therapists.


Dr. Preston will continue to collaborate with other professionals and provide ongoing consultation to parents as needed.

Preston Neuropsychology | Serving Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

5317 Highgate Dr, Suite 213, Durham, NC 27713

Tel: 984-287-8998

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